Are you an outdoor enthusiast looking to try stand-up paddleboarding (or SUP)?

Or maybe you’re just interested in taking up a new summer activity with your family or partner. Either way, paddling around on a board is both fun and rewarding.

how to stand up paddleboard

Few things are more beautiful than gliding across the water on a SUP and soaking up some sun. But for beginners, it can be a daunting task that’s filled with lots of questions.

  • What type of SUP do I need?
  • How do I stay balanced on the board?
  • Where can I find good places to practice?

Don’t worry – we’ve got all the answers about how to stand up paddleboard so that you can start having fun and seeing results in no time.

What is Stand Up Paddleboarding?

Stand up paddleboarding, often referred to as SUP, is an emerging water sport that originated in Hawaii. It involves standing on inflatable paddle boards or solid paddle boards and using a long paddle to propel yourself across the surface of the ocean or any other body of water.

stand up paddleboarding

The main idea behind stand-up paddle boarding is that due to its increased stability compared to traditional surfboards, it can be enjoyed by people of all skill levels. For instance, inexperienced participants have the opportunity to navigate relatively calm waters while more experienced paddlers can take on challenging rapids and choppy seas.

A solid board and proper paddle are necessary tools for anyone interested in SUP paddle boarding and they can usually be found at most surf shops or sporting goods stores.

Why Learning These Tips Will Help You Improve Your SUPing Game?

Learning helpful tips before taking up stand-up paddleboarding can exponentially improve your experience with the sport.

paddle boarding tips

By having a better paddle technique, you can paddle for longer and more efficiently without tiring out or feeling frustrated when not getting enough speed or pushing through the water.

Furthermore, learning some tips will help increase your fun and confidence on the board so that you can start paddle boarding at challenging conditions and enjoy yourself more instead of worrying about getting in over your head.

Learning more about paddle boarding and the different techniques available to paddle boarders could easily enhance your paddle boarding experience by leaps and bounds.

Here are the Steps for How to Stand Up Paddleboard:

My wife and I have been paddle boarding for many years and it has become one of our favorite pastimes in the summer. We spend most of our time on our local lakes but have also spent a bit of time on the ocean. Through our experiences, we have learned a lot about SUPing, and feel the tips we learned can help you.

stand up paddle boarding

The following steps will go over choosing the appropriate gear for the conditions, padding technique, balancing on the board, and how to go from sitting to kneeling, to standing up on the board.

Continue reading to get a jump start on improving your SUPing experience.

Step 1: Pick the Right Board and Paddle

The first step to stand-up paddleboarding is to find the right gear for your size, skill level, and the conditions you’ll be paddling in. Unlike many sports, stand up paddleboarding doesn’t require a lot of gear to get started.

paddle board

In terms of the board, generally, a wider board will be more stable and easier to balance on. If you’re just starting, we recommend that you get a durable, all-around board with a solid paddle. If you are more advanced, there are more specialized boards for different conditions.

Step 2: Get on the Board

Place the board in shallow water and check to make sure that the board is freely floating. Begin in a kneeling position on the board in the center, holding the paddle, and pushing off from the shore or dock with your hands. Be sure to stay away from other boats, docks, or any rocks near you. Kneel in the middle at the center point and begin to get a feel for the balance.


Step 3: Learn Your Paddling Technique

Now that you have the right equipment and you are on the board, it’s time to learn the proper paddling technique. The basic SUP stroke is similar to canoeing or kayaking – alternating between the left and right sides with each stroke.

Grasp the paddle with one hand near the top and the other hand near the middle of the paddle shaft. This will help you control your speed, power, and direction. To get the most out of each paddle stroke, try to stay low on your knees and put power into each stroke by engaging your core muscles.


Forward Stroke: In a smooth, sweeping motion stretch the paddle blade forward into the water and pull it back towards the tail of the board. This sweeping forward stroke will create your forward momentum.

Reverse Stroke: The reverse stroke is used to create backward momentum and the paddle technique is the same but in the opposite sequence. Begin by reaching the paddle blade behind your hip and in a smooth, sweeping motion push the paddle forward towards the nose of the board.

Steering: There are a couple of techniques to steer or turn your board. The first is by only paddling on one side. This will naturally turn the board, but this method by itself will result in a larger turn radius.


The second method to turn your board is to drag your paddle in the water or use a reverse sweep stroke on one side. This will turn the board a little faster than the first method, but it will also act like a brake. The best method to turn in a tight radius and not kill all of your speed is to implement both methods throughout the turning process.

When standing your paddle grip will feel more natural and you will be able to put more power and control into each stroke.

Step 4: Balance on the Board

Once you feel steady kneeling on the board, practice standing up slowly with both feet at once. Be sure to keep your knees bent slightly and maintain a wide stance. Your feet should be close to the middle of the board and your feet parallel.

When you are comfortable standing, speed up the process by using one foot at a time to stand.

When transitioning between kneeling and standing, keep your eyes focused ahead of you as you slowly stand, and be sure to keep your knees slightly bent and your arms outstretched.

standup paddleboarding

PRO TIP: Use your paddle by placing the blade just in front of you on the board in a vertical position and let it act as a third ‘leg’ as you place your feet on the right spot on the board. This will help with balance and maintaining the proper posture.

Key Considerations When Learning to Stand Up Paddle Board

Stand up paddle boarding is a great way to explore nature, hit the waves, and relax with friends and family. To make sure you have a safe paddle board experience, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind.

First of all, consider the conditions of the water you’ll be paddle boarding on. While some paddle boards are designed for use in calm waters such as lakes or bays, other paddle boards are meant for riding waves in the ocean.

Not only does the shape of the board matter, but whether it is an inflatable SUP or if they are hard boards made with an EPS foam core. Make sure you choose the right paddle board based on the type of water you plan to paddle board on.

SUP Paddle

Secondly, don’t forget to buy or rent all necessary paddle board gear like your paddle board, life jackets, and paddles.

There is a wide range of paddle shapes and construction materials. Carbon fiber paddles are lightweight and durable but can be expensive. Aluminum paddles are usually more affordable.

It is highly recommended to wear a properly fitted personal flotation device (PFD) and utilize the attached leash in the event you fall into the water. If you are paddling on a river or in large ocean surf a helmet, safety whistle, and water shoes may be a good idea as well.

Don’t worry if you don’t feel comfortable making that kind of commitment – paddle boards can also be rented at many locations so you can try them out before buying.

Finally, don’t forget to invite your friends and family along with you. Paddle boarding can be loads of fun when paddle boarded with others.

Tips for Paddle Boarding on Flat Water (Lake)

On flat water, you can practice recreational paddling or partake in SUP touring.

paddle boarding

For recreational paddling, you’ll want a short wide board with a flat body that can offer excellent stability for an enjoyable ride. For Flatwater touring, look for a longer thinner board modeled after traditional surfboards to give you more speed on longer distances.

Be sure to dress appropriately such as investing in watersports-friendly sandals and rash guard apparel. Lastly, don’t forget to stay hydrated and wear plenty of sunscreen if you plan on spending extended periods of time out on the water.

Tips for Paddle Boarding Down a River

Stand up paddleboarding down a river is a great way to explore the outdoors and take in the beautiful scenery. To maximize enjoyment, however, it is important to adjust your stance for the conditions of the river you are paddling on.

river SUP

For instance, shift your weight back and shift your feet further out into a more athletic stance when paddling over rapids or small waves as this adjusts the balance and shape of your board, enabling more control.

Additionally, it also helps to have basic knowledge of the river such as paying attention to rocks, eddies, and any other obstacles that may be in the water while you paddle downstream. Popular amongst experienced stand-up paddleboarders, paddling down a river while making corrections by shifting their weight while going around bends or gentler areas of the river gives them an even better experience.

Tips for Paddle Boarding in the Ocean Surf

Stand up paddleboarding in the ocean surf can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, yet one must take certain precautions to ensure the best outcome.

ocean sup

To begin, it’s advised to use a type of paddle board that is designed for big waves, such as an all-round or big wave paddle board. A wide stance, at least shoulder width, will help maintain your balance as you rise and fall over the waves.

Choose a SUP paddle that is correct for your size/height and keep in mind that the length of your paddle should be about eight inches taller than you are. An adjustable SUP paddle will be best for beginners as it can be adapted to just about any type of wave.

Make sure to take precautions like using sunscreen and wearing a life jacket when venturing into the open water as well.

Tips for Practicing Yoga on your Paddle Board

Stand up paddleboarding and yoga (SUP Yoga) make a fantastic combination, but not having the right paddleboard can sometimes make it a challenge to practice.

sup yoga

The key to success is having the right setup — either inflatable paddle boards or foam boards with a wide design and rounded nose is ideal since these will be the most stable and give you room to move around without tipping.

It’s also extremely important that you stay mindful of your balance while practicing on your paddleboard and don’t take any sudden movements that could throw you off. The material of inflatable SUPs and foam boards will also provide added grip and a softer feel should you fall out of balance.

Take things slowly, check your board’s setup before getting in the water, and you’ll be able to enjoy your SUP yoga session without any disruptions.

Tips for Fishing from your Paddle Board

A stable paddle board is essential for a successful fishing expedition from atop your sup.

sup fishing

When searching for the right board, look for a displacement hull, designed to cut through calm or choppy waters. It will provide plenty of capacity to haul your stored supplies and allow enough space for you to bring along your chosen fishing gear.

Your fishing adventure with a stand-up paddleboard promises to be an unforgettable experience as you embark on a journey into unknown waters.

Tips for Paddle Boarding with Pets

Stand up paddleboarding with pets can be a great way to spend the day on the water. However, determination and balance are key for a successful paddle-boarding adventure.

paddle boarding with dog

It is recommended to start paddle boarding in shallow, still waters so you and your pet can both easily maintain balance on the board. It is also important to remember that you will need to shift your weight when paddle boarding so you won’t disrupt your pet in its current position; this could make them fall off or lose its balance.

As an extra precaution, we recommend using some type of leash or harness with a handle for your pet to hold onto or help back to the board should it fall off. By taking safety precautions, paddle boarding with your furry friend can be one of the most enjoyable outdoor activities around.

Other Alternatives to Stand Up Paddleboarding

If you’re looking for something a little more adventurous than stand up paddle boarding and still want to take part in an outdoor activity, kayaking is definitely worth giving a shot. Not only can kayaking be done by oneself or with some friends, but it also provides an unparalleled sense of tranquility when out on the water.


Surfing is another great alternative that immerses you in nature’s elements and allows you to build confidence while mastering how to ride the wave.

For those who prefer to go the traditional route, canoeing has been around for ages and offers an exciting way to cruise through lakes or rivers with a group of people.

Finally, electric surfboards have revolutionized the watersports industry and taken extreme sports to a whole new level with their rider-controlled motors. No matter your taste or skill level, there’s surely an alternate paddle sport or water activity out there for everyone.

Wrapping Up

After taking into account these paddle boarding tips and tricks, you should be able to embark on your paddle boarding journey with the confidence that you can navigate a paddle board safely.

paddling with friends

What’s more, paddle boarding provides a full-body workout, making it an excellent way to stay in shape and improve your balance while having loads of fun.

Stand up paddle boarding has something to offer everyone. Whether it is a casual paddle across a lake or an adrenaline-pumping float down a river’s rapids. And stand up paddle boarding is the perfect adventure for individuals or families who want to explore new places and connect with nature at the same time.

So what are you waiting for? Go out and enjoy paddle boarding today!